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iOS Application

The iPhone Template from Codecanyon

The client app written on Swift 4.0 and support iOS 9+ and later

Setup project with Xcode

  • Cocoapods - please download and install it if you don't have it, needed to keep updated project libraries.

  • After unpacking archive, go to iPhone/b03-ios folder and replace the GoogleService-Info.plist from of our project in Project Settings

open Terminal in project folder and call

pod install
  1. When everything is configured, go to Project.xcworkspace and open it with Xcode 8.+ if it not opened yet.

  2. Then Select the iOS Simulator (2) and press Run (3) buttonimage05

  3. Well done! You can check the app working!

Setup Authorization

To add/remove provides from Authorization screen, go to WelcomeViewController.swift:line:146 file and change the array. To remove the Email authorization, just uncomment this code:

authUI?.isSignInWithEmailHidden = true


Admob Banner

To enable AdMob banner on the top of the feed, change the value to:

let kAdmobEnabled = true // true - to enable, false - to disable (hide)

and update the values: kAdMobApplicationID and kAdobUnitID from Admob website (please keep the double-quotes)


By changing Constants.swift you can set parameters that controls your application UI

For example:

  • Video Scale (kVideoScale)
  • Autoplay video (kAutoplayVideo)
  • Primary and secondary color
  • Image Compression (kJPEGImageQuality)
  • Animation duration
  • Date Formate


Config Behaviour (Must set before deployement)

To customize the project look you can use the Config file which provide most of the constants used in the app, like AdMob, Optimization parameters, Animations and Strings


Prepare to Deploy

To Deploy your app to AppStore you need to have valid Apple iTunes Account, and create a record in iTunes Connect. You can find all steps with images on official Apple Guide

 EULA url. Required for publishing.
let kEulaUrl = "http://localhost/policy.html"
let kReportEmail = ""

Before publishing prepare all screenshots, description, Privacy policy and EULA url, as it will be asked by Apple reviewer. Also be sure you set kEmailReport in Config.swift, with your email, as you should be able to respond to report request and remove the content or block a user (all possible via Relatime Database).